
Dynasoft Communications Inc. is led by Ean Bull ESQ, CET, a Microsoft partner who was one of the first technologists to be accredited with the CCIT designation. He was awarded the ASET 2004 Technologist of the Year from the Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta for his efforts, and maintaining high values in the industry. Ean Bull has also been recognized nationally and was awarded the National Technologist of the Year by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists.

We have established ourselves as the premier software and information technology company in western Canada. Our client base has expanded throughout North America, and as of 2018 into parts of Europe as well. We are constantly updating our services, tools and resources that we offer to fit our customers’ changing needs. Dynasoft prides itself on being at the technology forefront, with support teams in place for all the software concepts and data networks designed.